(Italiano) Save the children per la Siria..segnalato da Maria Teresa Sechi

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Human rights, War situations Comments (0)

Nino Fezza10/20 aprile… la guerra continua e i bambini perdono anche il loro breve passato

the Syria continues to cry his sons … 19 children have been killed today … 21 women … 118 people died today … Goodnight everyone … NINO Fezza cinereporter Aleppo … an epidemic of lehismaniosi affects children in the region of Aleppo … source is the river that crosses the city … it is an […] [...more]

Human rights, War situations, Victimology Comments (2)

(Italiano) Siria da Nino Fezza 18/03/ al 24/03/2013

Syria…. March 24 … 14:00 … ALEPPO: Tal Refaat. … Many injuries are the result of a bombardment with planes in town … most are women … HOMS: Houla …. 4 aerial bombardment affected the city this morning …. HOMS: Dar Kabira …. the MIG aircraft attack …. the bombing struck the Office of communication […] [...more]

Human rights, War situations, Terrorism, Victimology Comments (0)

(Italiano) Siria da Nino Fezza

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Human rights, War situations, Terrorism, Victimology Comments (2)

(Italiano) Vita sotto le macerie segnalato da Maria Teresa Secchi

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. [...more]

War situations Comments (0)

(Italiano) Siria..trasmetto da Nino Fezza

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. [...more]

Human rights, War situations, Terrorism, Human Comments (3)

adolescenti adolescenza Africa Ambiente ansa autostima Avaaz azioni bambini bologna Brasil brasile Brazil Carisma Denuncia Dipendenza diritto dominici entrevista famiglia genitori infanzia Manipolazione maria rosa Maria Rosa Dominici minori montes claros padre pedofilia persone Persuasione Prigionia progetto Rapporti interpersonali relazione Sette siria Soggezione psichica Suggestione syria tempo uomo violenza vita vittime


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