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National Workshop of the project Minor Rights

Posted on 18 February 2012 by Maria Rosa DOMINICI

National Workshop of the project Minor Rights

on access to justice for children at risk of social exclusion

Rome, 27 February 2012

The workshop is open to experts on the theme of justice in Italy, Greece and Spain and will regard the theme of the child friendly justice and the access to justice for children at risk of social exclusion.

The participation of 15 EU and National experts is foreseen and the discussion will be focused on the results of the research Minor Rights and on the formulation of recommendations for National and International authorities on the application of the child friendly justice.

The meeting also want to be the occasion of exchange of knowledge among the experts and to promote the creation of a network of EU professionals on this theme.

Draft Agenda

27 February 2012

Ore 9.45 Introduction of the participants and opening of the work

Ore 10.30 Presentation of the project Minor Rights and the result of the research

Coffee break 11.15-11.30

Ore 11.30 – 13.00 Open discussion on the principle of the child friendly justice

Ore 13.00 – 14.00 Buffet

Ore 14.00 – 15.30 Exchange of good practices at National and EU level

Coffee break 15.30-15.45

Ore 15.45 – 17.00 Definition of common problematic aspects and final recommendations

Practical Information

Language: The working language of the workshop will be English 8with the possibility of consecutive interpretation).

Venue: The workshop will be held at Centro Congressi Frentani, in Via dei Frentani 4, 00185 Roma.

Travel: The travel expenses and the subsistence costs will be covered by Save the Children Italy. Please ensure that you keep all documentation and tickets, including the original boarding passes, which will need to be sent to Save the Children Italy after the meeting.

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psicologa,psicoterapeuta vittimologa,membro dell'Accademia Teatina delle Scienze,della New York Academy ofSciences,dell'International Ass. of Juvenile and Family Court Magistrates,della Società Italiana di Vittimologia,della W.S.V.,dell'Ass.internazionale di Studi Medico Psico Religiosi.,docente di seminari di sessuologia, criminologia e vittimologia in università Italiane e straniere,esperta per progetti Daphne su tratta di minori e sfruttamento sessuale,creatrice del progetto Psicantropos,autrice di varie pubblicazioni,si occupa di minori e reati ad essi connessi da 40 anni.

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One Response to “National Workshop of the project Minor Rights”

  1. Maria Rosa Dominici says:

    entusiasta, sensazione piacevole di aver lavorato con colleghi ed esperti di altre realtà che hanno veramente a cuore il maggiore interesse del minore, non solo a parole ma con atti, sorretti da entusiasmo, competenze e cuore, tanto a giungere al concetto che "l'attuale crisi non deve diventare un alibi per non agire "

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