Categorized | Family and Minors

Minors in the transnacional migratory field

Posted on 28 March 2012 by Maria Rosa DOMINICI

Los niños del centro (Drari d’sentro)

Liliana Suárez-Navaz

Mercedes Jiménez Álvarez

Departamento de Antropología Social. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Abstract. Minors in the transnacional migratory field (Drari d’sentro)

The article analyzes the study case of «Non Accompanied Minors» from Morocco to show how a conception of minors who migrate alone without actively incorporating their agency as subject crossing international borders, precludes a correct and efficient work in both academic research and policies which informs dominant conceptions of them as wither victims or criminals. A new theoretical and methodological proposal of these minors as new migratory actors thus informs the findings of our research on their familial networks, the relations with their parents, and their migratory processes as shaped by a strained arti- culation of Alien Law and Minor Protection Law. The article is based on fieldwork in Spain and Morocco, and shows how the States involved manipulate minors’ dependency or autonomy through political agreements creating an even-increasing exclusionary ten- dency of minors from the protection system they are claiming to be entitled to.

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psicologa,psicoterapeuta vittimologa,membro dell'Accademia Teatina delle Scienze,della New York Academy ofSciences,dell'International Ass. of Juvenile and Family Court Magistrates,della Società Italiana di Vittimologia,della W.S.V.,dell'Ass.internazionale di Studi Medico Psico Religiosi.,docente di seminari di sessuologia, criminologia e vittimologia in università Italiane e straniere,esperta per progetti Daphne su tratta di minori e sfruttamento sessuale,creatrice del progetto Psicantropos,autrice di varie pubblicazioni,si occupa di minori e reati ad essi connessi da 40 anni.

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One Response to “Minors in the transnacional migratory field”

  1. Nino Cossu says:

    Anche se in affanno…non bisogna mai indietreggiare…sono loro il futuro con cui confrontarsi…

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