Archive | 2013

(Italiano) Luciana Sergiacomi ci informa

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Family and Minors, Minors magistrature, Pedophilia, Child Pornography, Victimology Comments (0)

The Ghost Rapes of Bolivia by Emilio VIANO

The Perpetrators Were Caught, but the Crimes Continue For a while, the residents of Manitoba Colony thought demons were raping the town’s women. There was no other explanation. No way of explaining how a woman could wake up with blood and semen stains smeared across her sheets and no memory of the previous night. No […] [...more]

Criminology Comments (0)

(Italiano) Bambini a dondolo

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Video Comments (7)

(Italiano) Vergogna,Nestlè prosciuga Pakistan,segnalato da Cristiana Bortolotti

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Human rights, Victimology Comments (2)

(Italiano) Luciano Spina,Presidente AIMMF

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On top, Minors magistrature Comments (2)

(Italiano) Alessandro Migliucci,adolescenti e teatro

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Cultural, Events, Teatro Comments (2)

adolescenti adolescenza Africa Ambiente ansa autostima Avaaz azioni bambini bologna Brasil brasile Brazil Carisma Denuncia Dipendenza diritto dominici entrevista famiglia genitori infanzia Manipolazione maria rosa Maria Rosa Dominici minori montes claros padre pedofilia persone Persuasione Prigionia progetto Rapporti interpersonali relazione Sette siria Soggezione psichica Suggestione syria tempo uomo violenza vita vittime


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