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New cycle of the Master of Advanced Studies in Children’s Rights (MCR)

Inserito il 08 luglio 2012 da Maria Rosa DOMINICI

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Mes salutations cordiales,

Eduardo Rezende Melo

Secretario General de la Asociación Internacional de Magistrados de Juventud y Familia- AIMJF

Secrétaire Général de l´Association internationale des magistrats de la jeunesse et famille – AIMJF

Secretary General – International Association of Youth and Family Judges and Magistrates – IAYFJM

Dear Madam, Dear Sir,

We are very pleased to announce the Call for applications for the 2013-2014 cycle of the Master of Advanced Studies in Children’s Rights (MCR), an interdisciplinary part-time postgraduate programme in children’s rights, which is jointly organised by the Institut Universitaire Kurt Bösch (IUKB) in Sion and the University of Fribourg, both in Switzerland. The next cycle of this two-year programme will begin on 4 February 2013 and the deadline for applications is 30 September 2012. Below you will find a general overview of the MCR Programme and our new brochure may also be downloaded here. We would be very pleased if you could circulate this information and/or make a link to our website ( which contains further details about the MCR Programme.

With kind regards

Sarah Bruchez

Programme secretary

Children’s Rights Unit

Tel : +41 (0)27 205 73 06


Institut Universitaire Kurt Bösch

P.O. Box 4176 • CH – 1950 Sion 4

Tel. +41 (0)27 205 73 00 • Fax +41 (0)27 205 73 01

Master of Advanced Studies in Children’s Rights

Call for applications for the 2013-2014 postgraduate programme in Children’s Rights

The Master of Advanced Studies in Children’s Rights (MCR) is a part-time two-year postgraduate programme in children’s rights, which is jointly organised by the Institut Universitaire Kurt Bösch (IUKB), associated with the International Institute on children’s rights (IDE), both in Sion (Switzerland) and the Law School and the Institute for family research and counselling at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland). The MCR is an interdisciplinary and international programme which attracts a diverse range of graduate students from all over the world. The 2013-2014 cycle of this two-year programme will begin on 4 February 2013 and the deadline for applications is 30 September 2012.

The programme is designed for professionals who work with children’s rights issues, these may include; lawyers, psychologists, sociologists, judges, social workers, government officials, staff from non-governmental organisations, academics and journalists. It takes place over a two-year period and requires participants to attend seven compulsory week-long modules over the two years (3 modules during the first year and 4 during the second year). In addition to these residential modules and the completion of exercises and examinations based on the required course reading materials, students are also expected to devise an individual training programme which consists of two obligatory assignments: the submission of a report on conferences or meetings attended and the completion of a research paper (Master’s thesis), and of one optional task : a segment of practical experience (2 weeks) and an internship report.

Each residential module has a specific theme: (1) Children’s rights in context, (2) Childhood studies and Childhood research methodology, (3) Children’s rights and international law, (4) Child labour and education, (5) Children’s rights in contact with the law, (6) Children’s rights in the context of health and in relation to migration and (7) Implementation and monitoring strategies. The compulsory residential modules all take place in Switzerland, and are held either at the IUKB in Sion or at the University of Fribourg.

The total tuition fee for the two-year programme is CHF 14’400 (approximately 12’000 EUR / 15,150 USD) and does not include travel or living expenses.

For further information on the Master of Advanced Studies in Children’s Rights, please see the information provided on the web site, or contact: Institut Universitaire Kurt Bösch (IUKB), MAS in Children’s Rights, P.O. Box 4176, CH – 1950 Sion 4, tel. +41 (27) 205 73 00, fax +41 (27) 205 73 01, e-mail:

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psicologa,psicoterapeuta vittimologa,membro dell'Accademia Teatina delle Scienze,della New York Academy ofSciences,dell'International Ass. of Juvenile and Family Court Magistrates,della Società Italiana di Vittimologia,della W.S.V.,dell'Ass.internazionale di Studi Medico Psico Religiosi.,docente di seminari di sessuologia, criminologia e vittimologia in università Italiane e straniere,esperta per progetti Daphne su tratta di minori e sfruttamento sessuale,creatrice del progetto Psicantropos,autrice di varie pubblicazioni,si occupa di minori e reati ad essi connessi da 40 anni.

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